my temperature is around 97.6. could i be pregnant

my temperature is around 97.6. could i be pregnant
Could i be pregnant if my last period was.1000e Angebote von Top Onlineshops! Finden. Vergleichen. Sparen.
13.12.2008 · Best Answer: Hi Michelle B. It's normal for people to have different body temperatures. The "normal" body temp is 98.6°. The reason our bodies usually
17.12.2008 · Best Answer: congratulations i'd wait one more week and take an ept. what you are expieriencing is normal for a menstration cycle. and as far as your
My body temperature is on average.
31.05.2009 · Best Answer: Did you eat anything? Do you feel sick? Try eating something and drink something warm to help you warm up if you're feeling cold.
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Why is my body temperature so low?(96.2.
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my temperature is around 97.6. could i be pregnant